Crisis In Myanmar

Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country with a rich cultural heritage, faces a significant poverty crisis that affects a large portion of its population. Despite its abundant natural resources and potential for economic growth, a combination of factors such as political instability, armed conflicts, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to quality education and healthcare have contributed to widespread poverty and inequality.

The poverty crisis in Myanmar is characterized by high levels of income disparity, with rural areas and ethnic minority communities being disproportionately affected. Many individuals and families struggle to meet their basic needs, lacking access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and sufficient nutrition.

Limited job opportunities and low wages exacerbate the challenges, making it difficult for people to escape the cycle of poverty and achieve a better standard of living.

Myanmar’s national poverty line as those living below 1,590 kyats ($1) a day as per the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) agency. According to The World Bank’s Myanmar Economic Monitor released in 2022, about 40 percent of the population is living below the national poverty line in 2022, unwinding nearly a decade of progress on poverty reduction.

Our aim is to prevent or relieve poverty, sickness, and distress for the people in need irrespective of ethnicity or religion. Since 2021, we collaborated with local communities to fight or help relief poverty among ex-textile factory workers. You can find out more about our works in our activities page.

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