About Us

The “Charity”, Let Pan Pwint (Burmese language: လက်ပံပွင့် ), means Red Silk Cotton Flowers. Bombax ceiba, or commonly known as red silk cotton tree; is known for its multipurpose nature; providing food, fodder, fiber, fuel, and medicine besides many ecological benefits. As winter recedes, and nature awakens from its slumber, the red cotton silk flowers emerge, infusing the surroundings with their brilliant hues.

The vibrant red silk cotton flowers, Let Pan Pwint, not only represent the renewal of life but also embody the spirit of spring, with its essence of growth and transformation. These captivating blossoms symbolize the awakening of nature after the dormancy of winter, serving as a vivid reminder of the arrival of spring’s rejuvenating touch.

The Let Pan Pwint hold profound symbolism to people of Myanmar. They reflect the power of spring to bring forth new opportunities, to breathe life into barren landscapes, and to ignite hope in the hearts of those facing adversity. Like the flowers emerging from their buds, individuals and communities experiencing poverty can experience a transformative journey, blossoming into a life of abundance and prosperity.

Through their symbolism of renewal and prosperity, inspire us to embrace the power of resilience and seize the opportunities that come our way. They remind us that by nurturing hope, empowering individuals, and fostering a supportive environment, we can create a path towards a better, more equitable future, where the cycle of poverty is broken, and lives are transformed.

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